ExCeL London
ExCeL London

Conference Programme Announced

38th INTERNATIONAL NO-DIG 2022 – Helsinki
(Subject to change without notice)

Papers are available to download from here for delegates. The password to open the link will be sent to the delegates by email shortly. 


8:30 – 9:30


9:30 – 10:30


10:30 – 11:30

Exhibition Hall Opening and Visit (Exhibition Hall


TRACK A (Room 103A)

TRACK B (Room 103B)

11:35 – 12:55

Session 1A – Microtunneling and Pipe Jacking I 
Moderator: Dr. Keh-Jian Shou

Session 1B – Cured-In Place Pipe (CIPP) I
Moderator: Dr. Declan Downey

4 papers

Hideki Shimada (Kyushu University) – Simulation study on the effect of culvert geometry in rectangular pipe jacking

Guido Nuijten (AFRY Finland Oy) – Environmental driven 1st MTBM tunnelling in Turku, Finland

Kimberlie Staheli (Staheli Trenchless Consultants) – Design consideration for direct steerable pipe thrusting

Juergen Goeckel (VMT GmbH) – The next generation of navigation systems for microtunnelling projects

Ian Ramsay (IRR-Trenchless)/ Tom Bowman (Nuflow)  – Innovations in sewer lateral and small diameter rehabilitation, which covers UV and LED

John Matthews (Louisiana Tech University) – Environmental impact assessment of steam-cured CIPP

Gregory Lemaire (Valeron Strength Films) – The use of high performance preliner in CIPP rehabilitation

Hendrik Panman (Kjeldaas) – Overall sewer rehabilitation utilising UV curing GRP CIPP with high focus on environment

13:00 – 14:25

Lunch and Exhibition Visit in Exhibition Hall

14:30 – 15:30

Session 2A - Pipe Bursting, Auger Boring and Pilot Tube
Moderator: Matthew Izzard

Session 2B – Asset Management I
Moderator: Dr. Raymond Sterling

3 papers

Heinz Plum (Bohrtec) – Guided Auger Boring in all ground conditions up to Hard Rock

Tuomas Lassheikki (Geonex Oy) – Horizontal hammer boring for diufficult geology no-dig applications

John Matthews on behalf of Edward (Alan) Ambler (AM Trenchless) – Asbestos cement pipe bursting: preferred method for rehabilitation of asbestos cement pipe

Kalyan Piratla (Clemson University) – Optimal placement of pressure monitoring sensors for data-driven leak detection in water distribution pipelines

Nathan Muggeridge (Vapar)/ Katy Bevan (United Utilities) – Driving efficiencies by automating fault detection process in conduit inspections

Andy Taylor (Atkins) – How RATS can help develop sewer rehabilitation schemes

15:30 – 15:45

Refreshment Break

15:45 – 16:45

Session 3A – Microtunneling and Pipe Jacking II
Moderator: Dr. Kimberlie Staheli

Session 3B – Environmental Issues
Moderator: Dr. John Matthews

3 papers

Mohit Jain (IIT-Madras) – Exploring the critical factors affecting productivity of microtunneling pipe installation

Takashi Sasaoka (Kyushu University) – Effect on deformation of surrounding ground in new pipe jacking method with different excavation shape

Yann Rouillard (Bessac) – Ultra low carbon jacking pipes

Stephan Kneck/Andrew Wedgner (Borealis  and LyondellBasellon behalf of the PE100+ Association) – The use of PE100+ materials in trenchless technology applications

Iain Naismith (IKT) – UN-Water/UNESCO Year of Groundwater - Protection of groundwater using trenchless sewer rehabilitation and repair


Exhibition Hall Closes

18:00 – 20:00

Helsinki Reception (Invitation Only) at Helsinki City Hall



8:30 – 9:30



TRACK A (Room 103A)

TRACK B (Room 103B)

9:30 – 10:30

Session 4A – Promotion of Trenchless Technologies
Moderator: Kyoko Kondo

Session 4B – Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) II
Moderator: Pertti Leppänen

3 papers 

Samuel Ariaratnam (Arizona St University) – Promoting trenchless technologies: the ISTT masterclass experience

Jari Kaukonen (ISTT) - ISTT facing the future

Mounir El-Asmar (Arizona St University) – Qualifications-driven procurement of contractors for trenchless construction projects in the US

Keh-Jian Shou (National Chung-Hsing University) – On the mechanical behavior of pressurized underground curved pipe rehabilitation by cured-in-place pipe method

Joonas Sorvisto (Picote Oy Ltd) – A case study of a large in-house CIPP lining project in Helsinki, Finland

Philipp Bergmann (Reline Europe) – Trenchless rehabilitation of the mixed water pipe kortelbach in the city of Unna, Germany

10:30 – 10:50

Refreshment Break

10:50 – 12:10

Session 5A - Horizontal Directional Drilling
Moderator: Dr. Samuel Ariaratnam

Session 5B – Site Survey & Pipe Inspection
Moderator: Jari Kaukonen

4 papers

Henk Kruse (Deltares) – Borehole stability during the installation of cable ducts at the shore approach for electricity cables

Melina Almeida (Petrobras) – Fractured rock consolidation for HDD

Craig Vandaelle on behalf of Raelison Novaes (Michels Trenchless) – Setting HDD up for success starts long before boring

Dion Pohorille on behalf of Alaster Goyns (Pipeline Installation & Professional Eng Serv) – Performance and condition assessment of gravity pipelines

Chrisopher Rogers (University of Birmingham) – A vision for pervasive autonomous inspection of buried pipe infrastructure

Tiia Lampola (Riihimaki Water) – Five years’ project

Alessandro Gerotto (Gerotto Federico Srl) – Trenchless technology in the heart of the Dolomites

12:10 – 13:30

Lunch and Exhibition Visit

13:30 – 14:30

Session 6A - Microtunneling and Pipe Jacking Ⅲ
Moderator: Dr. Wout Broere

Session 6B – Rehabilitation I
Moderator: Jo Parker

3 papers 

Andreas Ulkan (Herrenknecht AG) – Pushing boundaries in slurry microtunneling: latest trends and technologies

Chung Siung Choo (Swinburne University of Technology) – Evaluation of jacking forces in weathered phyllite: geomaterial characterisation and deep learning techniques

Joji Matsumoto (EXEO Group, Inc.) – Construction of DN2200 stormwater tunnel by mud slurry pipe jacking

Declan Downey (Aqualiner) – MIPP: melt in place pipe for water main

Jui-Min Hsu (National Chung-Hsing University) – On the mechanical behavior of cured-in-place pipe rehabilitated in the separated joints of underground pipelines

Peter Lorenz on behalf of Heiko Manzke  (Primus Line) - Design considerations for the renewal of sewer rising mains using flexible hoses

14:30 – 15:30

Session 7A - Miscellaneous
Moderator: Dr. Mounir El Asmar

Session 7B - Asset Management II
Moderator: Peter Smeallie

3 papers 

Kia Aksela (Wise Environment Oy) – Cultural change in the field of infrastructure

Michael Tinney (Kilduff Underground) – Challenges with drilled installation of pipe canopy tubes in gravelly alluvium

Shauna Herron (Environmental Techniques) – Adapting drone technology & lidar for safer, improved sewer survey and rehab

Jo Parker (Watershed Associates) – Transferring minimal Aexcavation methods to the water industry

Tuija Laakso (Aalto University) – Risk-based prioritization of sewers for inspection and renovation

Jo Parker (Watershed Associates) – Developing a national underground assets register

15:30 – 15:45

Refreshment Break

15:45 – 16:45

Session 8A - Large Diameter Pipelines
Moderator: Craig Vandaelle

Session 8B – Rehabilitation II
Moderator: Jan Borge Persson

3 papers 

Kai Ping Chang (Taipei Water Department) – A water trunk main project overcame faults and geologic variation in Taiwan

Toni Jaatinen (Sitowise Plc) – Observations of no-dig building a trunk main

Noriyuki Horichi (Kokushikan University) – Experimental measurements and analysis of deformations caused to existing tunnel during construction of upper and lower parallel shield tunnels

Jan Stenersen (TroVA AS) – Rehabilitation of water manholes

Parastou Kharazmi (KTH) – Environmental and Quality Aspects of Emerging Polymer Lining Technologies - Based on Studies in Sweden and UK

Luis Guajardo (Primus Line) – Rehabilitation project of the petrochemical plant raw water supply pipe with Primus LineÒ system


Exhibition Hall Closes


Gala Dinner and Awards (Pörssi)



8:30 – 9:30



TRACK A (Room 103A)

TRACK B (Room 103B)

09:30 – 11:10

Session 9A – Associated Technologies, Techniques & Equipment
Moderator: Ian Ramsay

Session 9B – Rehabilitation III
Moderator: Tiia Lampola

 4 papers

Richard Swan (Picote UK Ltd) – Exploring the benefits of high-speed cleaning for water mains

Mirei Hirano on behalf of Katsuharu Sato (TEPCO Power Grid) – Trenchless Methods for removing power cables from sand-filled trenches

Lauri Kellokumpu (Picote Solutions Oy) – The development of a prototype: from concept to product testing a new multi-use solution for rehabilitating water and sewer pipes

Mirei Hirano on behalf of Masahiro Yoshimoto (TEPCO Power Grid) – Development of a method for running another cable through a conduit already having a cable

Deon Pohorille (Orsco) – Condition assessment harnessing multi-generational disciplines from within the trenchless market

Anna- Karin Kyronviita (FiSTT) /  Sakari Kuikka (Underground City Ltd) – Data transfer development between water supply network information systems and inspection software in Finland

Ella Havulinna
on behalf of Juuli Haapakoski (Tampere University) – Carbon footprint assessment of water and wastewater network relining: case studies from Finland

 Sabatino Riccio / Marco Pianigiani (Rotech Srl) – The unique intervention with GRP pipes DN 2700-PN 6-1 km inside a concrete diversion tunnel in S. Valentino, Italy

11:10 – 16:00

Lunch and Exhibition Visit

12:00 – 17:00

Site Visits by Tour Bus

Site visits for Conference Delegates:

Site 1
Technical Category: New installation (Hammerboring)
Hosted by: Lännen Alituspalvelu Ltd (https://lannenalituspalvelu.fi/), and FiSTT Hammerboring to hard rock of dia.900 mm. The site is located in the middle of the traffic light intersection, on the main street of Tikkurila which is heavily trafficked. Tikkurila is the administrative center of Vantaa and is one of the main centers converging the area. Finnish harder rock bed is very hard compared to many other regions. Here we will show how to drill in such ground conditions. Boring in the such ground can be rarely seen.

Site 2
Technical Category: Rehabilitation (CIPP)
Hosted by: Picote (https://www.picotegroup.com/) and FiSTT CIPP rehabilitation project inside a house. We will see a small diameter CIPP on three different floors and how to avoid to dismantle the structures of a house when renovating the mains in the house.

Site 3
Technical Category: Wastewater plant
Hosted by: HSY (https://www.hsy.fi/en/) and FiSTT Visiting a Blominmäki Wastewater Plant, built inside the rock. Blominmäki treatment plant processes wastewater for 400,000 inhabitants and its capacity can be expanded up to one million. The plant has just launched this autumn.


The organizers reserve the right to amend the program or substitute speakers at any time if necessary

“Student Introduction to Trenchless Technology”

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 9:00 – 13:00
(Room 206)


9:00 – 9:30

History of Trenchless Technology Development (Dr. Dec Downey - UK)


9:30 – 9:50

Contracting Mechanisms (Dr. Mounir El Asmar - USA)

9:50 – 10:10

Geotechnical Investigations (Dr. Albert Shou – Taiwan)

10:10 – 10:30

Pipeline Inspection Tools (Dr. Jens Holterhoff – Germany)

New Installation Methods

10:30 – 10:50

Horizontal Directional Drilling (Dr. Samuel Ariaratnam - USA)

10:50 – 11:10

Microtunneling/Pipe Jacking (Dr. Wout Broere – Netherlands)

11:10 – 11:30

Pipe Ramming (Dr. Kimberlie Staheli - USA)

Rehabilitation/Replacement Methods

11:30 – 11:50

Pipe Bursting (Dr. Raymond Sterling - USA)

11:50 – 12:10

Non-Pressure Pipe (Roland Waniek - Germany)

12:10 – 12:30

Pressure Pipe (Dr. John Matthews - USA)

12:30 – 13:00

Course Q&A and Conclusions (ALL)

13:00 – 13:30


Post Course (Optional)

13:30 – 14:30

Exhibition Hall Viewing

ISTT International No-Dig Conference Delegate Rates

Price includes the site visits on Wed 5 Oct
Standard Fee
ISTT Member / Affiliated Society
Finnish National No-Dig event - Monday 3 October 2022
Suomen valtakunnallinen No-Dig - tapahtuma - maanantaina 3.10.2022
Aalto University Student Masterclass
Standard Fee
Pre-conference Tour – Tallinn Saturday 1 October 2022
Post Conference Tour - Helsinki Underground Thursday 6 October 2022

A multi-track conference programme will be organized by ISTT and will include local and international speakers

Presentations will focus on the latest innovations and techniques and will provide an exciting platform for delegates to learn from. The programme format is structured to create an educational atmosphere that encourages the exchange of information and experiences, while networking with likeminded industry colleagues. The programme will also include a site visit featuring live demonstrations.

Speaker's resources

Technical Program Committee:
Affiliated Society
Samuel Ariaratnam - Chair
North American Society for Trenchless Technology
Dec Downey
United Kindom Society for Trenchless Technology
Matthew Izzard
North American Society for Trenchless Technology
Tiia Lampola
Finnish Society for Trenchless Technology
John Matthews
North American Society for Trenchless Technology
Jan Borge Persson
Iberian Society for for Trenchless Technology
Ian Ramsay
United Kindom Society for Trenchless Technology
Ken-Jian (Albert) Shou
Chinese Taipe Society for Trenchless Technology
Kim Staheli
North American Society for Trenchless Technology
Ray Sterling
North American Society for Trenchless Technology
Craig Vandaelle
North American Society for Trenchless Technology
Monday 3rd October – Wednesday 5th October 2022 Messukeskus Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre